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작성자 아이콘 ROCKSON
작성일 2018-02-09 10:56:38 KST 조회 3,039





 After the wealth of Han & Horner and Fenix changes introduced over the past few weeks, we’d like to turn to the last commander we’ll be focusing on in our next patch: Karax. Compared to Han & Horner and Fenix, we think that Karax is in a better place in terms of diversity and power level. However, based on input from the community, we have identified issues that Karax is currently facing:

It’s very difficult to level Karax due to his high initial unit costs before his Unit Cost Reduction Mastery kicks in.

Karax’s units and upgrades are too expensive. It’s often difficult to simultaneously build units, upgrade units, and upgrade the Solar Forge.

Colossi are seeing little use due to their narrow niche and expensive upgrades.


We’re currently considering the following changes to address these concerns:




Unit Cost

Karax's units are now 30% more expensive than Protoss base units, down from 50% more expensive.

Karax's Unit Cost Mastery bonus decreased from 1% per point to 0.75% per point. Maximum cost has been reduced from 30% to 22.5%.


The most common complaint we noticed when it comes to Karax is that it’s too difficult to play him at lower levels due to high unit costs. The change we’ll be making to Karax will hopefully mitigate this weakness while still reinforcing the core of his design. The change will result in Karax’s units being cheaper at every Mastery level.




Solar Forge

Solar Efficiency Level 2 upgrade cost decreased from 300/300 to 250/250.

Solar Efficiency Level 3 upgrade cost decreased from 400/400 to 300/300.

Advanced Repair Systems upgrade now allows the Reconstruction Beam to target 2 additional targets, up from 1.

Reworked the Solar Flare upgrade so that it enables Solar Lance to set fire to the ground in an area that is double the current width, from 2 to 4. The Solar Lance's primary weapon width remains the same.

Solar Flare duration increased from 10 seconds to 20 seconds.

Solar Flare damage-over-time increased from 10 damage per second to 15 damage per second.


We felt that many of the Solar Forge’s abilities were a bit too expensive and often forced players into a difficult decision between upgrading units and upgrading their Solar Forge due to its cost. The changes we’re proposing will hopefully make the Solar Forge a more worthwhile investment.





Extended Thermal Lance research cost decreased from 150/150 to 100/100.

Fire Beam research cost decreased from 200/200 to 150/150.

Fire Beam damage-over-time increased from 100 damage over 5 seconds to 150 damage over 5 seconds.


We felt Colossi and their upgrades were a bit underwhelming, so we will be taking steps to make the Colossi tech path both cheaper and more potent. 





Carrier Interceptor Cost decreased from 15 to 0.


As with Fenix, we’ll be reverting the Interceptor cost change to Carriers.




Part and Parcel


As a bonus, we’d also like to go over the changes we’re making to our newest map, Part & Parcel.

Part Crates are now considered hostile and units will automatically target them.

Parts can now be picked up by air units.

Parts pickup radius has been increased from 2 to 3.


We received feedback that collecting Parts was more difficult than it should be and often felt like a chore. With these changes, collecting Parts should feel less tedious.

The first bonus objective will now spawn at 8 minutes instead of 7 minutes.


Players mentioned that the first bonus objective felt difficult compared to bonuses from other missions. In addition, players needed to continuously gather Parts throughout the early game to not immediately lose the mission. This change, combined with the Parts pickup changes, should give players a lot more leeway against the bonus.

Hybrid Boss music will now be modified by the music volume option under sound settings.


Our initial intention with the Hybrid Boss music was to highlight the first boss battle we’ve ever had in co-op. However, we received complaints that the music was too loud and could not be turned off so we’ll be addressing this issue in the next patch.

The area around each Hybrid Stasis Chamber is now buildable.


We recognized that certain commanders such as Karax and Stukov rely on buildings to fight certain objectives, so we’re now allowing players to build directly outside of the Stasis Chambers.

The "Gather Balius Parts" objective has now been renamed "Gather Balius Parts to delay Hybrid”.


We received feedback that the relationship between collecting parts and gaining extra time wasn’t immediately apparent. With this change, we’re trying to communicate this interaction a bit better.

Reworked General Davis' voice-overs to be less frequent.


Ever since the last co-op update, we’ve received feedback that General Davis updated players on their progress too frequently. We’ve thus removed warning messages when the timer hits the 6 and 1 minute marks, while keeping the messages at the 4 and 2 minute marks. In addition, each message will only play once during a boss cycle.




Going Forward


Over the past few weeks, we’ve outlined some of the changes we were considering making to Han & Horner, Fenix, Karax, and Part & Parcel. But we’re not done yet! Next week, we’d like to go over some smaller additional changes we’ll be making to co-op outside of these commanders, including global balance changes and bug fixes that will greatly affect how certain commanders will play.


Kevin Dong

Co-op Commander Designer










영알못이지만 일부만 번역해보면 


카락스와 핵심부품에 대한 피드백인데,

카락스는 유닛 가격이랑 태양석 관련 업그레이드 비용 할인 고려중이고,

케리어와 거신도 가격 인하 (케리어는 인터셉터 가격인하) 고려중이라고 하는듯 하네요.


그리고 핵심 부품맵은 지금 보다 조금더 쉽게 하는걸 고려중이라는 듯 한데,

부품 획득 범위( radius)를 2에서 3으로 늘린다던지가 있네요.





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신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

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