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작성자 아이콘 반응로삭제
작성일 2016-07-02 22:16:19 KST 조회 3,712
Community Feedback Update - 7월1일 커뮤니티 피드백 업데이트

DK님이 작성한 업데이트현황입니다.

한국 공홈 빨리 번역 해주시기 바랍니다.

해석 가능하신분 읽어 보세요~ 헤헤

Patch next week (다음주 패치 사항)
After more playtests and more discussions with various people, we believe that it’ll be better to patch the current two changes to the live game sooner than later given the current situation. However, we do also want to point out that we definitely see the foreign community’s concern regarding the Queen buff, and we will definitely make sure to react quick if something breaks. But the two main reasons we would like to hurry up with this update is due to heavy feedback in favor of these changes on the KR pro side, and we also have a major tournament coming up in 2-3 weeks outside of Korea, so we would really love to push the change out to live as quickly as possible so that we can make necessary fixes before the WCS tournament if needed. So looking at this from both regions, it looks to be the right decision to patch quickly.

After the patch next week (다음주 패치 이후)
We definitely hear your feedback regarding the potential for Ultralisk armor needing nerfs and the Liberator needing nerfs. We would really love to look at the impact of the Spore and Queen changes first before we start testing further changes. For example, if Zerg is performing much better in the early/mid game and are dominating in the late game, we can definitely take a look at the Ultralisk armor nerf, whereas if these changes were steps in the right direction but not enough, we can look at potential Liberator +light damage removal to its AA weapon.


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Playing Skill vs. Game Design Skill
It’s been a while since we discussed more design philosophy based topics, and we noticed a topic being very big in the past couple weeks, so we wanted to share our thoughts regarding this. Specifically, we’re seeing a lot of posts discussing the importance of playing at a high skill level in order to be a good game designer.

Our thought is that these two have some overlap, but are different skillsets. We have seen so many examples of every mix of the two: A top player being so bad at game analysis, a top player being so good at game analysis, a bad player being so good at game design, and a bad player being also bad at game design. They’re just separate skills that one person can be good at none, one, or both of them. And the definition of a good player is so opinion based. For example, I’m currently in master league using random and if I say this to a pro player, they would think I’m pretty bad at the game. As compared to if I say this to a silver level player, they would think I’m good at the game.

The same goes for game design skills. Often times, game design skills are more difficult to quantify than say like awesome concept art skills or awesome programming skills. Interestingly, this is an area game designers on our team have a lot of discussions on regarding what an ideal game designer at Blizzard is, which is another fun topic that we can go into if there is desire for it for this in a future weekly update. And going more into detail on this current topic, the important thing for game designers working on SC2 is the ability to analyze game mechanics well. This is clearly a higher priority than playing the game at a pro level.

Just to finish off, we did want to ask a question that we ask ourselves often: In a perfect world scenario, would it be best to aim to have only game designers who are also the very best players at the game? Granted this might be near impossible to achieve, it is an interesting question because we can look at it from many different points of view. For example, I can argue that this is the best because the best player understand more parts of playing the game so he can analyze the game better as well. But I can also argue this isn’t ideal because he would be unable to see the game from a different perspective other than the top skill level, and the more ideal is to have a good mix of every type of gamer who all are good game designers.

We wanted to share our thoughts here because this is a fun topic to discuss, and we’ve also been leaning a bit more towards one way or another over the years on our team as well. Because there necessarily isn’t one, clear, perfect answer to this question, please let us know your thoughts as well and we will look forward to exploring this discussion from a potentially different angle!

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

발도장 찍기
베플 아이콘 [ProTT]피드백 (2016-07-03 09:46:33 KST)
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센스 이미지
다음주에 저그 버프(여왕 사거리 증가 , 포촉 뿌리 박기 시간 감소) 패치 확정

위의 패치를 통해 만약 저그가 사기가 된다면 울트라의 방어력 너프를 테스트 해볼 것이며, 패치를 해도 저약체라면 해방선의 경추뎀을 아예 삭제해버릴 생각이다
ㅇㅇ (2016-07-02 22:31:18 KST) -
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
저번에 얘기했던 2가지 패치사항 (포촉/여왕 버프) 는 각종 대회가 2~3주 이내에 예정되어있으니 되도록 빨리 패치를 할 예정, 추후 밸런스패치 예정안은 해방선/울트라 갑빠 너프이나, 이는 앞선 두 포촉여왕 패치 이후 게임의 판도를 더 지켜보며 판단할 예정.
ㅇㅇ (2016-07-02 22:36:09 KST) -
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
하고 밑의 장문의 글은 그러니까 밸런스에 대해서는 잘하는 사람의 말만 중요하진 않다고 하네요. 못하는 사람의 관점도 수용할 수 있는 밸런스패치가 이상적이지 않나 싶다네요.
아이콘 천사사냥꾼 (2016-07-02 23:33:12 KST)
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센스 이미지
못하는 사람의 관점도 수용하고 싶으면 일단 견제 한방에 겜끝나는거부터 바꿔야하는거 아님?
못하는 사람들은 견제 못막는데
dd (2016-07-03 00:17:04 KST) -
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
미친 입하고 행동하고 왤케 안맞냐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
blacksmith01 (2016-07-03 00:42:12 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
그 종족에 대해선 아무 생각이 없냐?
알뜨앙 (2016-07-03 01:37:50 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
스킬 사용, 게임의 스킬 사용 디자인... 이 아니라

게임하는 실력/수준, 게임을 만드는 실력/수준.... 으로 보는게 맞을겁니다.
아이콘 [ProTT]피드백 (2016-07-03 09:46:33 KST)
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센스 이미지
다음주에 저그 버프(여왕 사거리 증가 , 포촉 뿌리 박기 시간 감소) 패치 확정

위의 패치를 통해 만약 저그가 사기가 된다면 울트라의 방어력 너프를 테스트 해볼 것이며, 패치를 해도 저약체라면 해방선의 경추뎀을 아예 삭제해버릴 생각이다
아이콘 [분열기] (2016-07-03 12:20:45 KST)
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센스 이미지
'못하는 사람의 관점도 수용할 수 있는 밸런스패치' 가 혐국인들 말만 듣고 저테전 패치 늦장 부리는거임?
그종족 (2016-07-04 07:54:30 KST) -
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
프종빨 이렇게 또 꿀을 빱니다
aa (2016-07-04 08:31:20 KST) -
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
해방선 지상딜 언제까냐

진짜 ㅋㅋ 사도 해병 세방으로 그리 징징대서 바꿧으면

해방선 추적자도 세방 되야지 ㅋㅋ
LOGO (2016-07-04 09:15:18 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
ㄴ해방선 추적자 세방은 너무 프징징아닌가..?
여전히 프로토스가 테란 상대로 더 우세한건 사실인데
aa (2016-07-04 09:51:05 KST) -
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
지금 프로경기 멀자너프후

테프 55대45 자료도 올라왔더만

뭐가 우세하다는거 뇌피셜? ㅋㅋㅋ
메롱이옵나이다 (2016-07-05 17:16:12 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
저그 울트라 방어력 너프할거면 초 중반 잘 넘기게 뭘 좀 버프해주던가.....여왕사거리 증가로는.....이정도로는 저테전 벨런스맞을 거 같지 ㅜ않은데...
1212 (2016-07-05 23:03:30 KST) -
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
여왕 사거리 깔짝 늘려서 저그가 사기되면 울트라너프?
먼 개소리야이건 ㅋㅋㅋ이까짓 퍄치같지않은 패치해서 저사기 되겠냐 ㅋㅋㅋ
JackRabbit (2016-07-06 13:30:09 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
걍 겜을 새로 갈아엎어라
댓글을 등록하려면 로그인 하셔야 합니다. 로그인 하시려면 [여기]를 클릭하십시오.
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소환사의 협곡부터 칼바람, 우르프까지 - 포로지지 PORO.GG
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