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작성자 아이콘 [db]
작성일 2015-05-11 22:08:31 KST 조회 508
일본인이랑 대화한 로그

[8:38] yoshikoji: did you watch tsm vs akt t1?
[8:38] Jurio and Chris: DIErus
[8:38] yoshikoji: rofl
[8:39] Jurio and Chris: isn't it? lol
[8:39] yoshikoji: yeah
[8:39] Jurio and Chris: but TSM can't fired dyrus
pure NA toplaner players are not better than dyrus
so i respect FNC Huni
he was good player at KR solo rank...
but i  can't belive he can successful work at pro scene
[8:41] yoshikoji: my friend agrees it
huni is good
[8:41] Jurio and Chris: i remember his career start at Rumble Mastercraft
hmm... syoujin?
yeah he was
[8:44] yoshikoji: hows going your eve?
[8:44] Jurio and Chris: hmm?
rune? mastery?
or what?
[8:44] yoshikoji: stats
[8:45] Jurio and Chris: eve stats are bad
[8:45] yoshikoji: im maining supp recently
[8:45] Jurio and Chris: lol
[8:45] yoshikoji: due to ping is bad
cant take cs
[8:46] Jurio and Chris: hmm
now honney supp champ is...
[8:46] yoshikoji: yes
[8:47] Jurio and Chris: but he is weak at pure-support
like janna, leona, thersh...etc
[8:47] yoshikoji: i love leona
[8:47] Jurio and Chris: hmm
my high-tier friends played low-level roaming
when can't believe your adc mechanic
[8:49] yoshikoji: lol
the top gank
[8:49] Jurio and Chris: no
just ward for adc
after loaming
[8:50] yoshikoji: true
[8:51] Jurio and Chris: always remember
when can't win lane
hold youre lane at tower
after warding and loaming
when i duoque with my friend, he always play like dat
but you can believe your adc?
explosive lane
[8:53] yoshikoji: hmm
[8:55] Jurio and Chris: my friend talked tip was dat
[8:56] yoshikoji: i remember that
[8:57] Jurio and Chris: but when i see twitch
most of japanese are low tier
high tier player stream on niconico douga?
[8:58] yoshikoji: hmm
[8:58] Jurio and Chris: few?
[8:59] yoshikoji: few japanese challenger players stream on niconico
[8:59] Jurio and Chris: japanese have challenger?
[8:59] yoshikoji: yes
[9:00] Jurio and Chris: i saw japanese challenger is only ozone mmeron
[9:02] yoshikoji: 7 players are in challenger tier
[9:02] Jurio and Chris: wow
[9:02] yoshikoji: or more? i serched at google lol
yutapon is famous
[9:02] Jurio and Chris: but my another friend coach at amateur team...
[9:03] yoshikoji: hm
[9:03] Jurio and Chris: he told always beat Ozone RPG and Detonation FM
[9:04] yoshikoji: det fm is first pro team in japan
[9:04] Jurio and Chris: not ozone rpg?
[9:04] yoshikoji: yes
[9:04] Jurio and Chris: hmm
[9:05] yoshikoji: first and only
japan have realry few pro game player..
[9:06] Jurio and Chris: lol i know ozone was first team of japan
[9:06] yoshikoji: they dont have sponsor
[9:07] Jurio and Chris: oh...
dat's a poor story
[9:08] yoshikoji: jap are TOO DILIGENCE and LOVE HARD WORK
game isnt the job
sad and poor
[9:09] Jurio and Chris: i heard japanese can' bounty hunter life
poor story...]
[9:10] yoshikoji: yess
wop, will take diner
[9:10] Jurio and Chris: kk
[9:11] yoshikoji: :)
[9:11] Jurio and Chris: :)
[9:24] yoshikoji: fm
srry about little political remark
[9:25] Jurio and Chris: np
i'm druken now
[9:25] yoshikoji: good
ill take shower then drink
[9:26] Jurio and Chris: dat's a perfetly dream
[9:26] yoshikoji: wine
is coming
[9:26] Jurio and Chris: after see baseball
[9:27] yoshikoji: i love baseball
[9:27] Jurio and Chris: favorite team?
[9:27] yoshikoji: Dena
[9:27] Jurio and Chris: yokohama?
[9:28] yoshikoji: yeeess
[9:28] Jurio and Chris: i like kuroda hiroki
[9:28] yoshikoji: hes realry nice guy
[9:28] Jurio and Chris: but i know dat team is weak team
[9:29] yoshikoji: but he dicided to come  back..
[9:29] Jurio and Chris: kurada was best carrer at majorleague
after nomo
[9:29] yoshikoji: yes
[9:30] Jurio and Chris: *kuroda
[9:31] yoshikoji: first of all hes tough
[9:31] Jurio and Chris: yeah he played can't believe his age
even nomo or darvish can't play like him
[9:32] yoshikoji: and not injured
[9:32] Jurio and Chris: yeah
[9:32] yoshikoji: unlike tanaka..
in yankees
[9:33] Jurio and Chris: i wanna his career like him...
yankees igawa kei
[9:34] yoshikoji: true..  tanaka played unbelievable in last year at japan
never lose
[9:34] Jurio and Chris: his splitter is unbelivable
i know splitter like him just Rocket... Roger Clemens
[9:35] yoshikoji: the ball disappears
[9:35] Jurio and Chris: yeah
[9:35] yoshikoji: i realry hope hell come back
you know ohtani?
[9:37] Jurio and Chris: i heard his stuff is good
over the 100mile
[9:37] yoshikoji: 163km/h
[9:37] Jurio and Chris: wow
[9:38] yoshikoji: and good batter
[9:38] Jurio and Chris: like National League?
[9:38] yoshikoji: last year he won 10 games as pitcher
[9:39] Jurio and Chris: 10 win streak ?
[9:39] yoshikoji: and hit 210 homerun
no , 10
[9:39] Jurio and Chris: ah kk
210 homerun batter is over the major
like galaxy league player
[9:41] yoshikoji: hes age is 20
[9:41] Jurio and Chris: next generation majorleaguer
[9:41] yoshikoji: yes
[9:42] Jurio and Chris: where is his team?
[9:42] yoshikoji: marines
[9:42] Jurio and Chris: chiba?
[9:42] yoshikoji: yes
[9:42] Jurio and Chris: their supporter was bad
when i coming japan
[9:43] yoshikoji: lol
yokohamas funs are good 
they know our team is weak rofl
[9:44] Jurio and Chris: lol
i heard too
[9:44] yoshikoji: but this season
[9:44] Jurio and Chris: your team is small market team
[9:44] yoshikoji: yes
have a greay blow
[9:45] Jurio and Chris: i like underdog team
for example... swalows?
[9:47] yoshikoji: haha
i hate giants
[9:47] Jurio and Chris: i hate too
they are too much big market
and only buy
not grow-up their rookie
[9:48] yoshikoji: true
now giants is 2nd
[9:48] Jurio and Chris: why
[9:48] yoshikoji: dena is 22w 15l
giants is 19w 17l
[9:49] Jurio and Chris: oh
hard chasing now
[9:49] yoshikoji: good thing
denas homerun :26
[9:50] Jurio and Chris: i heard song... 今日も負けた
[9:50] yoshikoji: noooooo
[9:50] Jurio and Chris: ROFL
i know you
try over the 2nd tier
[9:52] yoshikoji: wow i can take shower now
[9:52] Jurio and Chris: your DeNA
oh i'll rest soon
i was fun chat with you
see you again!
[9:52] yoshikoji: XD see you next time bro!
[9:53] Jurio and Chris: when postseason, i wanna cheer your team
and i got job...
[9:54] yoshikoji: byebye:v)


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