
서브 메뉴

작성자 아이콘Nios
작성일 2008-04-01 17:39:49 KST 조회 5,328
Diablo Loot Piñata
파일포켓 이미지

No party is complete without this adorable Lord of Terror

A rising from the ancient, unspoken rituals of the Aztecs, the piñata is far more than meets the eye. Just as this popular party accessory holds at its core a delicious payload of candy, so too does its history hide a fascinating tale of war, destruction, faith, rebirth, and the ultimate triumph of good over evil. The new Diablo Loot Piñata is a celebration of all these oft-overlooked aspects of the piñata, and offers a new take on the timeless ritual in true Diablo fashion. No party will be complete without one!

The Diablo Loot Piñata provides the same fun and excitement as traditional piñatas while also letting longtime Diablo players relive their epic battles with the Prime Evil. In place of candy, the Loot Piñata’s adorable shell is stuffed with fully functional replicas of iconic Diablo items* and artifacts. Parents will be delighted to know that instead of the empty calories and sugar rushes yielded by typical piñatas, their kids will be getting additional exercise while they re-enact their favorite Diablo moments, such as the burning of Tristram or the slaughter of the Zakarum priesthood, all while using authentic weaponry from the game.

Look for the Diablo Loot Piñata on sale this holiday season.

*Weapons may be cursed. Keep away from children. Do not ingest soul gems. For use on hallowed ground only. Use protective glyphs while handling. Do not combine with Wirt’s Leg and Tome of Town Portal using Horadric Cube (sold separately). Contact Blizzard Entertainment support in case of unholy auras, demonic visitations, or other paranormal phenomena. Blizzard Entertainment shall not be held responsible for loss of souls or property damage caused by monsters, the undead, demons, or any other type of Lesser or Prime Evil.

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파일포켓 이미지
파일포켓 이미지
파일포켓 이미지
파일포켓 이미지

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