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작성자 아이콘 ROCKSONS
작성일 2018-03-16 12:15:27 KST 조회 3,532
CO-OP MISSION update. - MARCH 15TH, 2018 번역 X

Honeycam 2018-03-16 12-11-30.gif




CO-OP MISSION update. - MARCH 15TH, 2018



Hi again! It’s been a while since our last big Co-op patch, which focused on Han & Horner, Fenix, and Karax. There’s been a lot of productive discussion in the community about how these Commanders feel post-update, and we’ve been closely monitoring this discussion to see if there’s any future tweaks we can do. But before we make any more changes to those three, we’re excited to announce our next set of Commander updates, which will include Artanis, Raynor, and Swann!





Artanis is one of our starter Commanders, and we think he does a great job at introducing players to Protoss in Co-op. He showcases Protoss mechanics well and is forgiving to play thanks to his Guardian Shell ability. He also has a wide variety of powerful strategies. However, we’ve identified the following areas in which he could be tuned:

Artanis’ energy-based calldowns are underwhelming compared to those of other Commanders. Thus, we’ll be looking to make changes to Orbital Strike and Shield Overcharge to bring these abilities to that power level.

Artanis’ anti-air options are underwhelming compared to those of other Commanders. As such, we’ll be looking to focus some of Artanis’ changes to the Dragoon and Phoenix.





Like Artanis with Protoss, Raynor serves as most players’ introduction to Terran Co-op play. Raynor’s bio play is in a good place as it is difficult to execute but also highly rewarding to play. However:

His Mech units aren’t seeing as much use as we’d like. Thus, we’ll focus our changes towards improving Mech play and encouraging Bio/Mech combinations without influencing the strength of Bio.




Swann is another Commander that players frequently request changes for. Swann is one of the strongest Commanders in the late-game, and he has one of the most helpful and powerful Co-op abilities in Vespene Harvesters. The problem is that Swann has difficulties getting there for a variety of reasons:

Swann has one of the longest ramp-up times in the game.

Hellbats, Cyclones, Thors, and Wraiths are not at the power level we’d like them to be. As with Raynor, we’d like to focus Swann’s changes on these lesser-used units and hopefully give him many similarly powerful options.

Community Feedback

As with the previous round of changes, please let us know what you think about the direction we’re taking with these Commanders. We look forward to your feedback and suggestions!

Kevin Dong

Co-op Commander Designer






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