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작성자 아이콘 Selendis
작성일 2011-04-19 17:17:24 KST 조회 5,247
WCG 2011 US 지역 예선 스타2 종목 경기 규칙&맵 목록
StarCraft 2 Rules

Game Format:

Competition Mode: 1 vs. 1
Maps: All matches are best of 3 maps
Game Speed: Faster
Game Type: Melee

Map Pool:

  • Shattered Temple
  • Metalopolis
  • Shakuras Plateau
  • Xel'Naga Caverns
  • Tal'darim Altar LE
  • Crevasse
  • Crossfire SE
  • Terminus RE

Match Creation and Map Selection:

  • The higher seeded player (listed on tournament bracket) will start a custom match and invite the lower seeded player to join via's party and create custom game functionality
  • The game will start on the map listed on the tournament bracket. The loser of the first game will pick the next map. If necessary, the loser of the second game will pick the last map.
  • Matches are to be played on US accounts only, on US servers only

Race Selection

  • Players can choose any race to play before the start of a match (includes random)
  • Once a race has been declared it cannot be changed throughout the duration of the match (all three maps) without the consent of both players; races cannot be changed between maps
  • If both players cannot agree who will disclose their race first, the lower seeded player will first disclose their race to the higher seeded player

Tournament Guidelines:

  • Non-standard game settings or third party applications that affect game play are not permitted
  • Any use of game exploits, cheats, or any other play deemed “unfair” by an admin may result in disciplinary action up to and including disqualification from the tournament
  • All players must save game replays and end-of-game score screen shots; in the event of a dispute, these assets will be used as evidence to determine the result of the dispute
  • All players must be on and ready to play 15 minutes prior to their scheduled match time
  • Any intentional abuse of "pause" during a game by a player on the server will be result in disciplinary action to be decided by an administrator
  • If a match disconnection occurs by either party within the first minute of a map, the map is to be restarted
  • If a match disconnection occurs during game-play, and an administrator is to be contacted immediately to make a ruling as to whether or not the match should be replayed or a forefeit loss should be awarded

Forfeits, Disputes, and Support:

  • If your opponent does not show up within a 15 minute grace period after the original scheduled match time, you may report a forfeit win
  • If you have wrongly been awarded a forfeit loss, you may challenge it within 2 hours of the originally scheduled match time, after which time your dispute will be discarded
  • If both players agree to reschedule the match within 22 hours of the original match time, both teams must alert an administrator and have the reschedule approved
  • Any disconnection issues that cannot be resolved by the players in the match must be brought to the attention of an admin immediately
  • Once the match starts, players will not be able to dispute a match on the grounds of match settings
  • All match disputes must be filed within 10 minutes after the match’s conclusion, and must include replays and screenshots if applicable
  • Methods of contacting an admin include filing a support ticket on the Support page

Rule Changes:

The Administrators reserve the right to modify the rules as needed. This includes changes due to software updates or releases, event organizer decisions and all other changes deemed necessary to run a successful tournament. Players are responsible to check the rules on a regular basis and prior to the event to ensure they are in complete compliance. Players must understand that rules listed are guidelines to ensure fair and competitive play and are subject to interpretation by the administrators based on the spirit of the game.

현재 WCG US 지역공홈에서 예선 접수중이며,

US 서버에서 US 계정으로 진행하며, 선수들은 반드시 미국 거주자이어야 합니다.

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

아이콘 sam20607 (2011-04-19 17:18:29 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
•Shattered Temple
이 두맵 한국 이름이 뭔지 설명해 주실분 계시나요 ㅠ
아이콘 엑스피용갈 (2011-04-19 17:23:19 KST)
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센스 이미지
무너진 사원하고 금속도시 아닌가요.
아이콘 sam20607 (2011-04-19 17:27:59 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
ㄴ 감사합니다
아이콘 DestroyJung (2011-04-19 18:23:19 KST)
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센스 이미지
맵은 무너진사원 금속도시 사쿠라스고원 젤나가동굴 탈다림제단LE 크레바스 크로스파이어SE 터미누스RE인데 터미누스가 아마 종착역인가 그랫던거같네요
아이콘 하야테. (2011-04-19 18:55:09 KST)
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센스 이미지
크로스 파이어는 십자포화, 터미누스가 종착역 입니다.
아이콘 MildCocoA (2011-04-19 19:57:30 KST)
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센스 이미지
종착역 SE버전이 최신버전인데 RE버전을 쓰다니;;;
(2011-04-20 05:49:53 KST) -
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
드디어 한국이 우승못하는 꼴을 보겠군 만세다
아이콘 낭낭입니다. (2011-04-20 17:43:37 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
ㄴ 그래바야 쎌렉이 우승하면 한국인 우승인데?
아이콘 DokiDoki. (2011-04-21 07:08:21 KST)
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센스 이미지
음..WCG 예선을 어찌 치루려나..
런쳐를 하나??
아이콘 탐사정의위엄 (2011-04-21 22:19:34 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
여기서 셀렉신 우승하면 한국인 우승 ㅋ;;
3일정지 (2011-04-22 19:42:55 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
셀렉신 하이팅
아이콘 IrA (2011-04-23 14:50:18 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
us 지역 예선인데요 뭐..
댓글을 등록하려면 로그인 하셔야 합니다. 로그인 하시려면 [여기]를 클릭하십시오.
롤토체스 TFT - 롤체지지 LoLCHESS.GG
소환사의 협곡부터 칼바람, 우르프까지 - 포로지지 PORO.GG
배그 전적검색은 닥지지(DAK.GG)에서 가능합니다
  • (주)플레이엑스피
  • 대표: 윤석재
  • 사업자등록번호: 406-86-00726

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