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작성자 아이콘Nios
작성일 2008-01-31 14:05:26 KST 조회 46,267
블리자드, "다음주 워3 1.21b 패치 릴리즈"
배틀넷 워3 포럼 게시판에 워크래프트3의 차기 패치 소식이 업데이트되어 알려드립니다.

January 29th, 2008 - Today, the eSports Team is meeting with Rob Pardo, (Senior Vice President of Game Design), and Chris Sigaty, (Lead Producer of StarCraft II), Dustin Browder (Lead Designer of StarCraft II),and David Kim (Balance Designer of StarCraft II) for the second round of discussions on the balance changes that will happen for Patch 1.22. Many of the balance changes mentioned by both professional eSports players and the community alike, such as 'nerfs' to Human Guard Tower repair rates are on the top of the balance list for these rounds of discussion.

When balance changes are more solidified, I will give you an update on what these may be, and a better approximate release time. Furthermore, there is the possibility of additional features to be added in Patch 1.22 that would further add to the longevity of the game online.

Patch 1.21b, the 'no CD' patch for Warcraft III is being signed off as we speak, and is aiming at a release for next week.

블리자드 주요 관계자들이 1.22 패치의 밸런스 피드백을 받기 위해 e스포츠 팀과 토의을 했다는 내용과 함께, 얼마전 스타크래프트 1.15.2 버전에서 노시디 패치가 이루어졌듯이, 워크래프트3도 1.21b 버전으로 노시디 패치를 릴리즈 하겠다는 내용입니다. 1.21b 버전은 다음 주 중에 릴리즈 하는 것을 목표로 한다고 합니다.

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