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작성자 아이콘 PixieCoco
작성일 2015-04-14 13:01:41 KST 조회 4,766
GameHeart 1vs1 Observer Interface v.2.3

GameHeart 1vs1 Observer Interface v.2.3 

​4/14일자로 GameHeart 1vs1 Observer Interface v.2.3이 나왔습니다.

1vs1관전이나 리플레이 보실 때 유용하게 사용하실 수 있습니다.



- 사용법 -

다운받은 파일을 내문서 >StarCraft II 폴더 > Interfaces 폴더에 넣어주시면 됩니다. 

스타2 실행후 옵션 > 게임플레이 > 인터페이스 고르는 란에서 선택


- 단축키 정보 - 

게임화면에서 F11 클릭 


- 패치노트 -

v.2.3 (14th April 2015)
- fixed colors for the color slots after 8 which are only accessible on maps that contain at least 8 spawn positions
- fixed a bug that made only 1 unit ability button appear
- raised the maximum amount of upgrade notification panels visible at once to 8
- fixed text cut-off problems in the player introduction panel
- added an option to override the rank's title via Logos.SC2Mod, default title is "WCS STANDINGS:"
- Player introductions (F1,F2) now only appear when there was an entry selected from Logos.SC2Mod
- added hotkey (Ctrl + Shift + L) to show a player's clan logo from Logos.SC2Mod (replaces race icons in the bottom panel). This is the new default setting as it will display the tinted race icon as its fallback icon.
- added hotkey (Alt + N) to show a player's name from Logos.SC2Mod (replaces the player names in the bottom panel). The fallback is the normal name with or without clan tag.
- added hotkey to show structures lost panel (Shift + K)


- 제작자 - 




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