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작성자 lodestar
작성일 2016-11-20 20:05:20 KST 조회 5,470
커뮤니티 피드백-11월 17일
First, congratulations to Zest for winning the beta tournament! Of course, this is just one result, but seeing all 3 races represented well towards the later stages of the tournament was still cool to see. Seeing how much we saw the games develop throughout this tournament in just a few days, we’re excited to see more players figuring out more new cool stuff soon.


Major Patch

The patch goes live starting early next week! We wanted to thank everyone in the community that helped out with the major patch because we know it takes honest intent to play with potential changes compared to the live game. We look forward to the number of constructive players out there increasing as we go forward. We also wanted to give a shoutout to JYP for helping with the pro matches during the beta testing, and we hope to see some more pro-level matches with the new changes during Homestory Cup this weekend!


Regarding the major patch, there were a few things that we wanted to tweak before the patch goes live next week:


Siege Tank health increased from 160 to 175

The loss of Medivac pick-up seems to have hurt the Siege Tank a bit more than we expected. Because Siege Tanks should be a core part of the Terran Mech army, we’d like to try increasing their survivability a little bit so that they perform better in head on engagements vs. various ground threats.


DT blink research cost reduction from 150/150 to 100/100

The time and tech-level barrier seems to be big enough that this could use a slight buff.


Cyclone range reduction + range upgrade

The Cyclone looks to be extremely flexible since its seeing wide usage regardless of whether a Terran is going for Bio or Mech play. Also, the early all-in using Cyclones looks to be quite strong. In order to push the Cyclone more in the direction of being a core unit for Mech specifically, and also to tone down the-all in a little bit, Cyclone attack range will be reduced by 2 and a cheap upgrade will be added bring back their range.


There are also some other topics that we are discussing based on community and pro feedback.


From the community, discussions regarding early game mass Reapers was happening a lot this week. We expect more people are using and discussing this strategy due to how well ByuN used it in the WCS finals, and how good his micro was. As with other tactics that have become rapidly popular, finding the right defense against them often takes more time than learning to simply use them (such as boosted Medivacs or Stephano’s mass Roaches). Still, we will definitely keep a close eye on how both the tournament and ladder meta evolves around this strategy, and make adjustments to either the Reapers or the Reaper grenades accordingly.


From the pro side, while it’s pretty clear that players aren’t close to figuring out the details of the changes yet, there is some feedback regarding the Tempest’s new ability. One suggestion that we felt could be solid is removing the ability, increasing the anti-ground weapon range to 10, and upping the base damage of the anti-ground weapon slightly. For this one, we would like to have the new Tempest go to the live game as is, test it fully in the live game, and we can keep this type of a suggestion in our back pockets in case the ability doesn’t turn out to be a great add.


Overall, we wanted to stress once more that we really need to use the remaining time this year to focus on balance tuning since many of the changes going in are massive. Let’s continue working together to make sure we locate and fix problems that most likely will come up after the patch goes live.


lastly, please work blizzard korea


공성전차 생명력 상향

암기 점멸 비용 150/150 - 100/100 

사이클론 기본 사거리 하향-저렴한 업그레이드로 되돌림


대격변 토너먼트를 참고한 패치같네요 

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

lodestar (2016-11-20 20:15:22 KST)
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그리고 사신이 너무 사기라는 커뮤니티 의견, 폭풍함 스킬 삭제( 지상 사거리 10, 데미지 강화) 이것들을 고려한다는군요
아이콘 천사사냥꾼 (2016-11-20 21:50:56 KST)
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센스 이미지
언제는 사신 폭탄 삭제하라고 쓴 토론장글 추천50개 넘게 받았는데 말없이 삭제하더만 ㅋㅋ
아이콘 악마의팬티 (2016-11-20 21:59:41 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
마지막줄이 뭔가요...
아이콘 녹두리아 (2016-11-21 01:14:37 KST)
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센스 이미지
블코 일해라!
메서스 (2016-11-21 09:27:02 KST)
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아이콘 케이케이엠 (2016-11-21 11:24:22 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
막줄 작성자가 추가한거임?? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
바-코-드 (2016-11-21 11:32:49 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
최순실모드로 돌아가는 미국의 한주도 안되는 나라인데

국뽕이 또...

막줄ㅋㅋㅋ 개그ㅋㅋ
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아이콘 롸거X (2016-11-21 14:18:03 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
사신 좀 제발 어떻게 했으면 좋겠다
전진 사신극혐..
아이콘 루시퍼방화 (2016-11-21 17:36:57 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
똥허의 똥산 빨리 버리고 스타3 가자 ㄱㄱ
DK야제발 (2016-11-21 22:15:05 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
사신 극혐 동의...생각해보면 지뢰없어도 게임할만하지 않나요?
스케이져 (2016-11-22 13:48:25 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
마지막으로, 일좀 하세요 블코
멋진 일침입니다.
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