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작성자 빵떡
작성일 2016-10-22 15:03:31 KST 조회 5,089
10/21일 커뮤티니 피드백

This week’s balance update
Today, we'll be adding most of the changes we’ve been discussing to balance testing. Please check out the changes and let’s get more discussions going where needed.

We would also like to thank everyone for the great discussions regarding what to do with the Cyclone. This was one of those few times where there wasn’t a clear consensus to whether we should keep the Cyclone or revert it, but we agreed with the slight majority of players in that the current version is probably the more helpful option towards pushing Mech play. 

Factory AA
One other thing we wanted to discuss regarding the Cyclone AA feedback was Mech AA. As some of you have also pointed out, the Thor is much more of a core option against air in testing. Not only did the Thor receive a buff vs. light air units, but also the armored air units that used to outrange the Thor now have equal or lower range as the Thor. 

The main reason why we would like to push the Thor more so than the Cyclone as the core AA option is very simple: We believe the core Mech end game composition should consist of very powerful but less mobile units such as the Thor, Siege Tanks, BCs, etc. This is because the high mobility gameplay option is already provided well through Bio. For example, when being harassed by Mutalisks, I can stim pack and quickly chase them off. Using fast-moving cyclones to deal with them would feel very similar. In contrast, Thors battle Mutalisks in a different way: they need to be in position to really get strong damage against Mutalisks trying to fly in, which is more fitting for the Mech fantasy.

But that doesn’t mean we can’t increase the current effectiveness of the new Cyclone’s AA capabilities as long as it isn’t the main AA option throughout the whole game. We feel that there could be room here to increase its effectiveness, and we’ll start testing out some numbers as per your suggestion. 
Next balance changes
Aside from the potential Cyclone AA damage changes, we would like to take a pass at Ultralisk armor and really focus on tuning of the new Tempest ability. With Ultralisk armor, we can try the popular suggestion of increasing the base armor by 1 point and reducing the armor the upgrade provides by 2 points for a slight buff to the base unit + a nerf to the overall unit after upgrades.

For the Tempest, we would like to ask you guys to help us out on testing this ability against heavy Siege Tank based compositions and Hydra/Lurker based armies. 

KR feedback regarding SC2’s main goal

We’ve been seeing a lot of discussion from the KR community on two points: making the game easier, and toning down harassment so that the general pace of the game is slower.

We agree heavily with many players in our global community that SC2 is one of very few games where you are solely responsible for whether you win, or lose, and that these results are tied to the time, dedication, and skill which players put into mastering the game. The feeling of practicing and mastering a part of the game, and directly seeing my personal increase in skill, is truly unlike any other game in the world.

Our main goal for StarCraft 2 is to create the best game of its type that it can ever be, and not necessarily selling more copies of the game or increasing the playerbase. Those are also great secondary goals, but we don’t feel that we should be in a place where we start to hurt the main, most important goal of StarCraft 2.

In regards to harassment, we agree that some cases feel like it’s too much right now. We feel that we’ve taken a pass at the units that seem to have pushed this too much, such as: Adepts, Warp Prisms, and Tankivacs. Also, we’ve taken measures to strengthen defensive units such as Hydralisks (fending off early game harassment attacks) or the defensive based Mech play in general. We’re not saying we’ll hit this feedback perfectly from the start, and that’s why we would really love to encourage you guys to talk about specific changes that are needed rather than talking too much in general. For example, if the Adept specifically needs to be nerfed more in a specific way, of course now is the best time to try out that specific nerf. 

Please remember that this is a group effort, and we’re all trying to make the game better by working together. Thanks as always and let’s continue working at it even though we know this isn’t easy! 

간단하게 말하자면 사이클론 롤백과 메카닉 공중공격에 대해 얘기하는거 같네요

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

발도장 찍기
아이콘 천사사냥꾼 (2016-10-22 16:15:12 KST)
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센스 이미지
이거 세번째 문단이 진짜 발암임
아이콘 indeed22 (2016-10-22 20:59:09 KST)
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센스 이미지
"KR feedback regarding SC2’s main goal" 섹션의 첫번째 문단 번역:

우린 한국 커뮤니티에서 두가지 논의점들을 보았습니다: 게임의 일반적인 페이스를 좀더 늦추기 위해 게임을 더 쉽게 만들고 견제 플레이를 좀 덜하게 하자는 것.

"KR feedback regarding SC2’s main goal" 섹션의 3번째 문단 번역:

우리들의 스타2를 위한 주 목적은 이 장르에서 최고의 게임을 만드는 것이지 게임을 더 많이 팔거나 플레이어 층을 늘리는게 아닙니다. 그것들도 좋은 부차적인 목적들이 될 수 있지만 우리는 그것들을 위해 더 중요하고 주된 스타2의 목적을 해쳐야 한다고는 생각지 않습니다.

개인 감상: 어렵다고 징징대지말고 만들어준대로 쳐해라 유저들아... 라는것 같은데요.
아이콘 눈스타 (2016-10-23 04:39:53 KST)
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센스 이미지
1 번역 감사요
응 알았어 안해 ^^
아이콘 친윤아 (2016-10-23 07:19:55 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
이번주 밸런스 업데이트
오늘, 우리는 우리가 여지껏 협의해왔던 밸런스 테스팅 대부분을 추가할 것이다.
변화들을 확인하고 어느 방향으로 나아가야할지 더 논의해 보자.

우리는 또한 싸이클론에 관하여 완벽한 논의를 주신 모두에게 감사를 표한다.
이것은우리가 싸이클론을 킵 해야만 하는지 아니면 되돌려야하는지 깔끔하지 않은 합의가 여러차례 이루어졌었다,
하지만 우리는 약간 다수의 플레이어에 동의한다 지금의 버전은 아마도 메카닉 플레이가 앞으로 나가도록 더욱이 도와줄 것이다(라는 플레이어들에게 동의)

고로 사이클론은 롤백안한다는....
아이콘 친윤아 (2016-10-23 08:36:31 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
이것이 주된 이유다 왜 우리가 토르를 사이클론보다 지원해 주는지 .
AA 선택은 매우 간단하다 : 우리는 메카닉의 중심부는 매우 파워풀한 게임을 끝내는 구성요소로 되어있다고 믿는다
하지만 적은 이동식의 유닛들, 예를 들어 토르, 시즈탱크, BCs, 등등.
왜냐하면 높은 이동성 게임플레이 선택은 이미 바이오닉을 통해 잘 제공되어있다.
예를 들면, 뮤탈에 시달릴때, 나는 스팀팩과 빠르게 그들을 뒤쫓을 수 있다.
빠른 무빙인 사이클론을 그들과 함께 돌리면서 사용하면 매우 비슷하게 느낄것이다.
그에 반해서, 토르, 배틀 뮤탈은 다른 길로 쓰일것 :
그들은 포지션 안에 있는것이 괴로운 비행안의 뮤탈리스크에서 매우 강한 데미지가 필요하다 이것은 좀더 매카닉 공상에 알맞는다.

의역하자면 바이오닉은 빠른 백업으로 뮤탈견제를 맞서고 메카닉은 강한데미지로 뮤탈견제를 힘들게 만든다는거같내여
아이콘 친윤아 (2016-10-23 08:39:53 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
사이클론 말많네 → 아몰랑 프로게이들이 알아서 하겠지 → 메카닉이나 좀 건들여볼까 → 싸클은 이만하고 토르랑 베쓸좀 손봐야지 → 우리가알아서할께 냅둬
TY루시안 (2016-10-23 22:33:50 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
Our main goal for StarCraft 2 is to create the best game of its type that it can ever be, and not necessarily selling more copies of the game or increasing the playerbase. Those are also great secondary goals, but we don’t feel that we should be in a place where we start to hurt the main, most important goal of StarCraft 2. 다른 피드백을 떠나서 이부분에서 외국인들도 말이 많은듯하네요..
하루토리 (2016-10-25 08:07:48 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
RTS 다 죽어서 살아만 있으면 장르 최고인데
못죽여서 안달 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
캬 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
댓글을 등록하려면 로그인 하셔야 합니다. 로그인 하시려면 [여기]를 클릭하십시오.
롤토체스 TFT - 롤체지지 LoLCHESS.GG
소환사의 협곡부터 칼바람, 우르프까지 - 포로지지 PORO.GG
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