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작성자 아이콘 배너티
작성일 2012-02-22 00:53:51 KST 조회 2,362
DuSt 창단!
파일포켓 이미지


With prominent background as a team manager in WarCraft III. Having worked in RAGE eSports and more recently for the chinese dynamo team EHOME, I believe my experience in eSports goes without saying. I have learned a lot in my eSports "career" including meeting so many people through this great game, but now the time has come to transition that
experience into StarCraft II

In October, 2011. Me and my soon-to-be business partner Tom "Dreams" Elkins mutually agreed that there must be more we could do for the community in regards to WarCraft III and StarCraft II. We opened eSports Central Network, an organisation dedicated to providing fun and exciting leagues in both these platforms as well as weekly tournaments with an available prize pool. We also decided to have exclusive shoutcasts of eSports Central Network's "Professional Showmatches"; which involved the highest tier of WarCraft III teams to compete against eachother for the communities enjoyment. After a few successful showmatches however, we still felt like we could make more of an impact on the scene.

It was then in November of 2011, where we decided that it was clear we both were ready to step away from the WarCraft III scene and venture into the thriving scene of StarCraft II. Together, we would start to embark on opening a professional StarCraft II team with a squad that would not only be friendly, and eager to compete; but players who we thought we could build into not only a team, but a family of gamers.

Today, I say with a huge smile that we have achieved our goal, and without further adieu, would like to formally announce the beginning of Did You See That?! Gaming's career as an eSport Team. DuSt Gaming, being the official affiliate gaming squad of eSports Central Network, is composed of a promising group of individuals all with the burning desire to make it to the top. I can personally say that these past few months I've gotten to know each and every player even more and there is no doubt that we all share the same mentality of wanting to place our mark in the StarCraft II community.





김시영 선수 DuStYanGe

류재현 선수 DuStSia

케빈 은 선수 DuStHannibal



심준보 선수 DuStJunbo





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