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작성자 아이콘 Lenka
작성일 2011-08-15 18:08:32 KST 조회 14,282
스타2 맵핵에 관한 간단한 정보
파일포켓 이미지

일명 크래커들이 항상 스타2 패치가 나오면 맵핵작업도 같이 하는데 패치해킹은 서버열린 이후로 1시간이내


맵핵제작은 대부분은 1,2주 이내로는 다 작업이 완료된다는군요

지금 스타2 대표적인 맵핵은 ValiantChaos 맵핵, 일명 VC맵핵인데 1.3.6패치 이후로는 그전부터 기부금을 받긴했지만 맵핵다운을 유료화해서


수익도 올린다고 합니다, 최근 패치이후로 다른 크래커들은 이사람말고 맵핵제작을 하고있지는 않는다는군요


Works on Patch 1.3.5

Cracked by Rolle3k aka Sheppard < 제작자의 온라인상 닉네임입니다

Download: 다운로드 대부분이 유료이면서 회원가입을 필수로 하기때문에 우리는 그것에 대해서 그나마 감사해야 될겁니다

Spoiler (hover to show)
* Warden Protection
* Version checker - 버전 확인
* Configurable hotkeys - 구성 단축기
* 3-state Maphack - 3가지 상태의 맵핵(기능을 말하는 것 같습니다)
* -> Show units on mainmap & minimap - 기본적인 맵핵의 기능입니다, 맵상이나 미니맵으로 유닛, 건물표시와 돌아다니는걸 볼 수있죠
* -> Show invisible/burrowed units - 은폐유닛과 땅속에 숨어있는 유닛을 보여줍니다
* -> Show hallucinated units - 심지어는 환상유닛도 스캔이나 탐지기가 없어도 볼 수있답니다
* -> Show Zerg creep - 이건 당연한거지만 저그 크립(여기선 점막종양을 말하는 것 같네요)을 보여줍니다
* -> Hear sounds under fog of war - 안개에 가려진 전장의 소리도 들을 수 있습니다
* -> Enable selections under fog of war (client-sided)
* -> View what your enemy is training/researching or the contents of selected - 상대방이 무슨 훈련과 연구를 하는지 볼 수 있다
* -> Graphical bugs fixed - 그래픽 버그가 수정되었습니다
* Camera Lock 카메라 잠금기능
* Show player selections - 상대방의 선택창을 보여줍니다
* Show player clicks - 플레이어가 유닛 클릭하는 것을 보여줍니다(옵저버 볼때처럼 상대방이 무슨 유닛을 클릭하는지 볼 수 있다는 말)
* Enable observer panel - 옵저버처럼 게임플레이중에도 내것과 상대편 유닛, 생산 등등 여러창을 표시할 수 있습니다
사용 가능한 기능들을 말합니다, 위에서 표시한 3-state maphack 기능과 같습니다
-> Show units on mainmap & minimap
-> Show invisible/burrowed units
-> Show hallucinated units
-> Show Zerg creep
-> Hear sounds under fog of war
-> Enable selections under fog of war (client-sided)
-> View what your enemy is training/researching or the contents of selected
-> Graphical bugs fixed
* Enable color/race icon - 색상/종족 아이콘을 알 수 있습니다
* Enable 1v1 resource/player info - 1대1을 할때 자원과 상대방 정보(기본적으로 리그 등등)를 알 수 있습니다
* Watch player camera - 플레이어를 1인칭 시점으로 볼 수 있습니다
* Auto-start
-> Auto-mine minerals - 자동으로 미네랄을 캐개 할 수 있습니다
-> Auto-create 1 worker - 자동으로 일꾼을 하나씩 만들게 합니다
-> Auto-rally main building to local mineral patch - 메인건물(사령부나 연결체, 부화장)이 지어지면 자동으로 랠리포인트를 구역의
미네랄지역으로 설정하게 합니다
* Auto-larva - 자동라바? 밑 글을 보면 자동펌핑을 말하는 것 같군요
-> Auto-group queens 여왕이 생길때마다 자동으로 그룹을 만들어줌
* Auto-mule - 자동 지게로봇투하
* Auto-group buildings - 자동 건물그룹설정
* Award achievements - 업적 달성? 이건 뭔소린지는 모르겠네요
* Tac nuke strike alert - 적의 핵감지를 보기쉽게 경고
* Nydus worm alert - 땅굴벌레가 어디서 나오는지 경고
* Unit alert - 유닛 경고
* Camera zoom out - 카메라를 줌 아웃합니다
* Instant win against A.I. - 인공지능과 할때는 즉시 이기게 함.

Hotkeys: 단축키
F2 - Quick switch between Units and Production tabs for Observer panel. - 빠르게 옵저버창에서의 유닛, 생산탭 등을 전환할 수 있습니다
F4 - Zerg auto-larva and Terran auto-mule. - f4키로 저그는 자동펌핑, 테란은 자동 지게로봇 투하
F5 (or Ctrl + F5) - Toggle 3-state maphack off, lite and full. - 3-state 맵핵을 끄거나 lite and full? 이건 뭔뜻인지 모르겠네요
F8 (or Middle mouse button) - Toggle camera lock off and on. -  토글 카메라를 끄거나 작동시킵니다

Commands: (Don't work in game lobby) - 명령어(게임 대기실에서 작동시키지 마세요)
위에서 말한 기능들을 명령어를 입력해서 작동시킬 수도 있습니다
/mh # - Set maphack to off(1), lite(2) or full(3).
/aa # - Award achievement. (Use 'Achievements.txt' to get id)
/wp # - Watch player camera. (use /list to get player id)
/wp - Toggle watch player camera off.
/as - Toggle auto start on/off.
/al - Toggle auto-larva on/off.
/am - Toggle auto-mule on/off.
/ss - Toggle show player selections on/off.
/sc - Toggle show player clicks on/off.
/lf - Toggle local player filtering for observer panel on/off.
/af - Toggle ally player filtering for observer panel on/off.
/uf - Toggle Units tab filtering for observer panel on/off.
/pf - Toggle Production tab filtering for observer panel on/off.
/na - Toggle nuke alert on/off.
/wa - Toggle nydus worm alert on/off.
/ua - Toggle unit alert on/off.
/list - Get a list of players in-game with player id.
/win - Win instantly against A.I. (Must have no other human players left in the game!)
/cheat - Gives you lots of minerals, gas and supply. (Must have no other human players left in the game!)

Detailed information: 자세한 정보인데 위에서 간단하게 설명했으니 굳이 읽으실 필요는 없을 겁니다

- Warden protection
If you don't know what Warden is, read this. I will not go into details with how my protection works or what
techniques I have used to help prevent detection, but know that it's there and working to protect you.

- Version checker - 버전확인
Checks for the latest version of ValiantChaos Maphack and will alert you if there is at the login screen.

- Configurable hotkeys
Open the file VCMH.ini and edit the key code value to what you want. Key code values can be found here.

- 3-state maphack
Comes with 3 different modes which are off, lite and full, and has an advanced list of features it provides
compared to any other maphack. I have also fixed many graphical bugs such as strange objects occurring from
units and old/destroyed units still appearing under the fog of war.

- Camera lock
Lock your current camera position and save selected so you can freely look around the map so that your camera
movement and selections are not recorded into replay. Use this when necassary to help avoid suspicious camera
movement in your replays. If you happen to leave this feature on and try to command any units it will
automatically turn off, this is a safety feature so that you don't leave it on by accident.

- Show player selections
Shows player selections for everyone in game with a broken circle around the selected and in color.

- Show player clicks
Shows player movement clicks for everyone in game and in color.

- Enable observer panel
Enables the replay observer panel that's located at the top left of screen. To change the display mode using
one of the hotkeys you will need to hold down the Alt key, that way it won't interfere with any unit ability
hotkeys or anything else. To help make viewing easier and so your screen is not filled up with so much
information there is filtering for local player, allied players, units and researches with Units and Production tabs.

- Enable color/race icon
Enables the replay color/race icon that is located near the minerals icon to show your local player color.
This can be useful in team games where you have hostile colors (Green, Yellow, Red) enabled and someone refers
to you by your color.

- Enable 1v1 resource/player info
Enables the replay 1v1 resource/player information to be displayed under yours in the top right of screen.

- Watch player camera
Watch the camera movement of any player in real time, it also works like camera lock so everything is client-sided
and not saved into the replay.

- Auto-start
Automatically sends workers to mine minerals, builds 1 worker and sets rally point when the game starts. This feature
will only work if the main building and units are visible on your screen when game starts, just to be safe. There is
also a configuration option in VCMH.ini to enable the auto-mine double split, I suggest at least being a platinum
player if your wanting to enable that.

- Auto-larva
Automatically spawn larva on all Zerg main buildings with the press of a key, all queens must be hotkeyed to group 0
for it to work and they must be kept close to the building your wanting to spawn larva on. After using auto-larva you
will be alerted 40 game seconds later when you are able to go again, if trying to use early before the 40 seconds then
an alert will be given if you can't go again and nothing will happen. Any map pings (client-sided) that occur after
pressing the key are on Zerg buildings that failed to spawn larva due to a queen not being located close enough to it.
There is also 4 different speeds for auto-larva including an instant option, auto grouping of queens when they are
selected and an option to have auto-larva fully automated in the background without having to press a hotkey, all this
can be configured in VCMH.ini.

- Auto-mule
Automatically calls down X(1 up to 4) MULEs with the press of a hotkey to a mineral field that is local to a
Command Center, Orbital Command or Planetary Fortress that has the highest total mineral count of surrounding mineral
fields. Your Orbital Commands must be hotkeyed to the group configured in VCMH.ini otherwise they will be missed and not
used. There is also an option to have auto-mule fully automated in the background reserving 50 energy if you have only 1
Orbital Command or 100 with 2 or more Orbital Commands, this is to help ensure you have enough energy to still use scans.

- Auto-group buildings
Automatically groups configured building types to a control group number when they are selected, settings can be
configured in VCMH.ini. This feature also has a slight delay when grouping so that it's not seem bot like suspicious.

- Award achievements
Award yourself with many different achievement (not all), use 'Achievements.txt' to get the id of the one you want.
For campaign achievement you will need to be in campaign mode and for Blizzard custom map achievements, you will
need to be in the specific Blizzard map otherwise the achievement data won't be loaded and therefor you can't get
the achievement.

- Tac nuke strike alert
Alerts you when an enemy player targets the location he/she is wanting to nuke with a message and map ping for the
location. The map ping is client-sided so only you can see it and it will be in your local player color.

- Nydus worm alert
Alerts you when an enemy player summons a Nydus Worm with a message and map ping for the location. The map ping is
client-sided so only you can see it and it will be in your local player color.

- Unit alert
Alerts you when certain unit types are built, at the moment I have just kept it basic because the Observer panel is far
more superior. Currently it will only alert on Dark Shrine, Dark Templars and Banshees so you can be alerted instantly
and worry about detecting these cloaked units.

- Camera zoom out
An extra 5 more zoom outs have been added for your camera, use the mouse wheel and page up/down keys like normal except
you will need to hold down the Ctrl key to begin the first zoom out. If your playing ranked matches it's probably best
to only zoom out once or not at all, otherwise it can look suspicious in replays when selecting things out side of your
camera standard camera view.

- Instant win against A.I.
Using this feature (/win command) will make you win instantly against A.I opponents, you can use this to help earn various
achievements. If using in a co-op game your allies must first leave before you can use the command, and you will also need
to wait 5 minutes otherwise the win will not go towards your achievement progress.

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

발도장 찍기
아이콘 초보토스 (2011-08-15 18:28:25 KST)
0↑ ↓0
센스 이미지
레알 저거쓰는새끼들 죽여버리고싶다
nexchobo (2011-08-15 18:30:59 KST)
0↑ ↓0
센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
맵핵쓰지마 휴먼갈비지 같은놈들아
아이콘 EvilEmpire. (2011-08-15 20:19:00 KST)
0↑ ↓0
센스 이미지
F8 카메라 락은 말그대로 카메라를 고정시키는겁니다 리플레이상으로 F8누르면 누른자리만 계속 보는걸로나옴 그러니까 F8누르고 마음대로 디벼볼수 잇다 이거임
아이콘 EvilEmpire. (2011-08-15 20:19:23 KST)
0↑ ↓0
센스 이미지
요약하면 맵핵잡기 개힘들어짐
아이콘 2ndwing (2011-08-15 21:46:51 KST)
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센스 이미지
......블쟈는 뭐하냐. 어여 소송걸어라.
아이콘 DlKr (2011-08-16 20:51:25 KST)
0↑ ↓0
센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
시스카 (2011-08-16 21:16:59 KST)
0↑ ↓0
센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
카메라 락? 미친... 이렇게 공개적인데 블쟈는 뭐하고 있는겨.
B1ackCat (2011-08-16 22:46:18 KST)
0↑ ↓0
센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
맵핵이 이런디 맵핵의심되는 게임들을 올려놔도 징징글이네 이러고있으니 ㅡㅡ
우리엄마 (2011-08-16 23:39:39 KST)
0↑ ↓0
센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
카메라 락 쩐당 ㅋㅋ ㅅㅂ ㅡㅡ
아이콘 Templari (2011-08-17 00:50:53 KST)
0↑ ↓0
센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
분명 이 글보고 혹해서 맵핵 찾는 분들이 계시겠지요...
쇼킹불곰 (2011-08-17 04:01:50 KST)
0↑ ↓0
센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
이런거 쓰면서 게임하면 재미잇나요? 희열이 없을텐데
아이콘 Lenka (2011-08-17 04:04:26 KST)
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센스 이미지
ㄴ 근데 꽤 많은 돈을 내야되서 그렇게 많이 쓰지는 않을 듯 합니다
아이콘 목포해상방위대 (2011-08-17 04:45:25 KST)
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센스 이미지
이거 꽁짜로 받을수 있는데 ㅋㅋ 파는 분들이 있더라고 염ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
아이콘 LoreSin (2011-08-17 09:15:50 KST)
0↑ ↓0
센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
이러니 맵핵 종자가 안사라지지 . . .
아이콘 범행동기 (2011-08-17 12:55:04 KST)
0↑ ↓0
센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
진짜 만나서 귓방망이 후리고 싶네 ㅡㅡ
Suzyholic (2011-08-17 14:15:41 KST)
0↑ ↓0
센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
제일 꼴뵈기 실은게 playXP임... 저번에 신정민이랑 래더 붙었는데 어휴... 신정민이 맵핵 쓰지말라했더니 '싫은데요'라고 함 ㅉㅉ 그래놓곤 뻔뻔하게 연승전할때 저도 연승전 신청했다면서 초대해달라함...
아이콘 눈물사마 (2011-08-17 16:01:26 KST)
0↑ ↓0
센스 이미지
아이콘 미루자 (2011-08-17 16:11:13 KST)
0↑ ↓0
센스 이미지
RTS에 맵핵은 RPG의 돈버그 FPS의 자동조준 핵과 마찬가지죠...
아이콘 벙커러 (2011-08-18 22:01:19 KST)
0↑ ↓0
센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
맵핵을 막기는 어려워도 감지는 개쉬운데 저러다가 한방에 블럭시키면 좋겠어요
댓글을 등록하려면 로그인 하셔야 합니다. 로그인 하시려면 [여기]를 클릭하십시오.
롤토체스 TFT - 롤체지지 LoLCHESS.GG
소환사의 협곡부터 칼바람, 우르프까지 - 포로지지 PORO.GG
배그 전적검색은 닥지지(DAK.GG)에서 가능합니다
  • (주)플레이엑스피
  • 대표: 윤석재
  • 사업자등록번호: 406-86-00726

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