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작성자 아이콘 [D.K]
작성일 2014-12-18 09:33:11 KST 조회 628
프로토스 새 추가유닛 컨셉
Early game unit

Slow movement speed (to differentiate from other early game harassers)

Phase shift ability. Unit goes completely invulnerable for X seconds on a short cooldown (to be able to move in and harass and to get out in a different way compared to say like Blink harass)

Doesn’t counter core units for cost (idea of having a core unit that goes invulnerable just sounds like it would be too much. Plus with this effective ability, this unit could still be a great harasser even if it’s not effective for cost).

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발도장 찍기
아이콘 NoWHere22th (2014-12-18 09:38:39 KST)
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센스 이미지
페이즈 쉬프트 재탕이라...
BacardiGold (2014-12-18 09:48:27 KST)
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