
서브 메뉴

작성자 homm3
작성일 2009-03-20 13:52:38 KST 조회 1,533
헉 베넷 계정으로 베타키를 준다는 소식이

With the re-launch of, Blizzard have also started the StarCraft II Beta invite program. Randomly selected account holders of a account will get an invitation to join the anticipated Beta.

Shortly after the new version of, (called 2.0 by the fans) was launched, fans could create accounts, log on and add games to the account for free download whenever they need it. Some features are not working perfectly for all regions, but the site is live, and some fans reported getting invitations to the StarCraft II closed beta, which has not yet been given a release date.

Let me remind StarCraft fans that this is a Beta invite, and looks different than the Wrath of the Lich King Beta application Blizzard used last year. The person who got this message is invited to the beta. This is how Blizzard have picked out beta testers in the past. We'll see if this is just some remnant of that system, or if we'll see more of the "new" opt-in system from WotLK.

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