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작성자 아이콘 ROCKSON
작성일 2018-03-14 13:52:21 KST 조회 1,923
COMMUNITY update. – MARCH 13, 2018 (번역 X)


COMMUNITY update. – MARCH 13, 2018


Honeycam 2018-03-14 13-43-52.gif




 Hey everyone,

We’ve received a lot of feedback about the changes we announced recently, and we’d like to take an opportunity to address some of them now. But first, though, a quick note about behavior on our forums: we appreciate how passionate and invested you are in StarCraft II’s future, but it’s crucial that we all remain respectful of one another. We all want the same thing—to make StarCraft II as great as it can possibly be. Remember to play nice and play fair.

On that note, let’s switch gears and talk about the changes we’re making to what we originally proposed for the upcoming balance update.

We are still planning to move the Zerg’s Ventral Sacs upgradeto be part of Lair tech. We’ve heard your concerns that Zerg is losing an aggressive early-game option that easily transitions into the mid-game, so rest assured that we’ll be keep a close eye on the results of this change. 

As for the Terran changes, we plan on holding off on them for now. It’s clear that some of you are worried that we’re moving too quickly to change things, so perhaps we can shed a bit more light on our design philosophy around these changes. 

When we design something new or make a substantial change to how something works, we ask ourselves: “Does this change result in something that’s more interesting and fun than what was there before?” Once the change is in the players’ hands, though, they have a say as well. If players start using a unit or ability in a way we didn’t imagine or intend, it’s on us to keep that new gameplay in mind going forward. We think this is where our current disconnect is. 

Our intention with Anti-Armor missile was to create a spell that Terran could use to get an edge over opponents in a direct fight, but that has low to no lethality on its own. Currently, it’s used in the late game primarily for its damage potential. Our worry here is that in the past, area of effect abilities that easily scaled in damage were often seen as unenjoyable to fight against. Thus, we wanted to bring the spell back in line with its original intent, to make it feel truer to its intended role, and eventually move the power it lost elsewhere in the Terran army. This could be in the form of direct late game power. Or perhaps this power could be directed more towards the mid-game, which would allow Terran players to transition more easily or delay an opponent’s transition. 

Regarding the changes we proposed for the Vikings, they’re still up for consideration. Initially, we identified the Viking HP change as a frequently requested and “safe” change to help assuage the subsequent late-game power loss, though we realize it doesn’t make up for it completely. Though we’re holding off on it for now, this doesn’t mean it’s off the table. 

As always, please let us know what you think and remember that we’re all in this together.








영알못이지만 대략 번역 해보면


주로 저그  대군주 배주머니 수송 업그레이드를 레어 테크(Zerg’s Ventral Sacs upgrade to be part of Lair tech.)랑 

테란 대장갑 미사일 (Anti-Armor missile)관련 지난번 커뮤니티 피드백에 대해 말하고 있는것 같은데,


저그의 대군주 수송 업그레이드를 레어 테크로 하는거는 저그가 초반 링드랍을 못하게 되긴하지만


거의 확실히 될거 같다고( so rest assured that we’ll be keep a close eye on the results of this change.)하는것 같고


테란은 좀 지켜보고 결정할 거라고 하는것 같네요.




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