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작성자 거문고양이
작성일 2017-10-15 09:31:48 KST 조회 2,773
커뮤니티 업데이트 - 10월 10일(북미섭)

Hey everyone, thanks for the feedback and please feel free to provide additional feedback on the next set of changes below. Also, you can visit our main blog to see a bulleted-list of changes we’re currently running on the testing matchmaker.



The undetected burrowed Infestors had decent visibility on all graphics settings except the low graphics quality settings. We are changing the undetected burrowed Infestors to be a bit more visible on low graphics quality settings in order to make the unit more consistent across all graphic quality settings.


Nexus and Mothership

Mass Recall and Forward Recall will now cancel an Adept’s Psionic Transfer ability. This will prevent Adepts from getting recalled and then teleporting to the Shade’s location.


Lastly, just a reminder, the testing matchmaking queue will be turning off on October 13th. However, the balance test mod will still be available for custom games afterwards.





-버러우 중인 감염충을 낮은 그래픽 유저는 육안으로 확인하기 힘든데 이제 낮은 그래픽이여도 육안으로 잘 찾아볼 수 있게 변경합니다.

-사도가 넥서스또는 모선으로 귀한될때 그림자 이동 스킬 중이면 사용중인 스킬이 캔슬됩니다.

-10월 13일 테스트 모드가 종료됩니다.





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