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작성자 아이콘 별사냥꾼
작성일 2017-04-28 08:30:06 KST 조회 3,601
패치 3.13.0 프리뷰: 아몬의 낫

원문 : 


In our newest Co-op Mission, Lyrak, one of Matriach Vorazun’s scouts, reports the discovery of a new threat from Amon. Lyrak discovers that Amon has created a new type of Hybrid and is beginning to awaken it by funneling energy from a Xel’Naga temple. Your mission is to prevent Amon’s most powerful weapon from being unleashed on the universe.​






Scattered throughout the map are Void Slivers that are channeling energy to spawn the Voidshade Hybrid. They are protected by Void Rifts that will spawn enemies from every race. If players do not destroy a Sliver within the time given, the Hybrid will be summoned and you will instantly fail the mission. You’ll need to constantly monitor the remaining time and decide when is the best moment to send your armor on the offensive.​ 






Because of the threat that this new enemy brings, your secondary mission is to help evacuate the citizens in the surrounding city and save them from Amon’s attacks. To do so, you have  to clear a patch for the shuttle and ensure that it arrives at its destination safely. ​ 






Scythe of Amon arrives with Patch 3.13.0. Which commanders do you think we’ll de exceptionally well on this map? Let us know in the comments. We’ll see you on the battlefield!​ 


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발도장 찍기
감염된홍진호 (2017-04-28 10:39:26 KST)
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와 공식 맵인가요?
아이콘 메없네왕 (2017-04-29 06:38:21 KST)
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