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작성자 아이콘 아레나.
작성일 2012-10-23 11:05:29 KST 조회 2,193
Eclypsia,Razer와 파트너쉽 체결

파일포켓 이미지


파일포켓 이미지TerranPierre Guivarch/SarenS

파일포켓 이미지TerranAntoine Stievenart/Dayshi

파일포켓 이미지Terran제프리 브루시/SjoW 파일포켓 이미지 파일포켓 이미지

파일포켓 이미지ProtossKristijonas Barisas/Krr

파일포켓 이미지ProtossVesa Hovinen/Welmu

파일포켓 이미지ProtossIgor Kaczmarek/Indy

해외팀 Eclypsia가 국내팬들에게 친숙한 게이밍 제품 업체 Razer와 파트너쉽을 체결하게 되었다고 팀 홈페이지를 통해 밝혔습니다.Eclypsia는 아직은 팀이 조금 부진한 모습을 보이고 있지만,조금씩 개선해나가고 있는 단계이며 앞으로 더욱 더 발전해 나갈 것이라는 포부를 밝혔습니다.이하는 원문입니다.

원문 링크:

Hi, my name is Ruurk, I'm in charge of development at Eclypsia.
We here at EC are proud to announce our partnership with Razer. We have hit some bumps along the way and made some mistakes,but we are continuously improving. We have turned over a new leaf and we hope you guys grant us the time to improve more and more.

Razer is one of the greatest peripheral manufacturers in the world and we feel that they not only produce the best equipment but also have great visions for eSports and the competitive scene. Eclypsia may be a relatively new team with its conception being in April 2012 but we have come along way.

We have had many bumps in the road but we have come through them and tried to learn from any mistakes that we made and are looking to continue improvement in the future. With our recent pickup of a DotA 2 team and some reshuffles with our shootmania team we are looking to pull out some major victories.

Razer are going to support us on our journey to greatness and enable us to continue attending and hopefully winning events. 

"Their desire to grow e-Sports in new and interesting ways make them a great addition to Team Razer; I am excited to see what the future holds in store for e-Sports" - Robert "razerguy" Krakoff

“Over the years Razer has put a lot of dedication and resources into e-Sports and truly respects the competitive scene. This is just one of many reasons we were drawn to them. I believe Razer not only produces products by gamers for gamers but acts as an enabler to the teams we all love to see compete.” - Pierre "Sarens" Guivarch

About Razer:

Razer has been a pioneering supporter of e-Sports since its conception. It is in our blood and we are driven to further the culture of professional gaming in all that we do. We work hand in hand with our pros to forge weaponry for the players who stake their livelihood on podium placements. Our gear is designed to perform flawlessly in high-stress tournament conditions where winning is everything and mistakes cost championships. Those who compete with our equipment will attest that we live by our credo: For Gamers. By Gamers.

We look forward to all future work with Razer and we are sure together we can reach the top. Keep a look out for our teams and also the content we produce!

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신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

아이콘 nice10e (2012-10-23 20:50:09 KST)
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