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작성자 아이콘 배너티
작성일 2012-10-09 17:33:33 KST 조회 2,743
Dr.Chae 채정원 팀장님 ESFI 인터뷰


해외 이스포츠 커뮤니티인 ESFI에서 채정원팀장님과 인터뷰 한 내용입니다

이미 TIG인터뷰로 알고있는 내용도 있지만

전에 TIG인터뷰에서 연맹 원종욱회장님이 곰티비에게 도움을 요청한것에 대한

확실하진 않지만 전체적인 의견을 들을 수 있습니다


그리고 과거 채팀장님이 프로게이머로 활약하던 시절의 이야기 까지ㅋ



인터뷰 전문


David Schmidt, ESFI: Hello this is David Schmidt for ESFI coming to you from the GOM studios in Seoul, Korea and I am here with GSL Director Mr. Chae and also Korean caster. It is an honor to be with you. Tonight we watched some Code S round of 8 and we some interesting games with Mvp and Rain winning. This GSL Code S season is going to end pretty soon, I believe in about two weeks or so.

Mr. Chae: Yeah.

Can you talk a little bit about what is going to happen with that? I think it is going to be back at the CODEX [meant COEX].

I can speak in English a little but I don’t want my poor English to make some more drama. So I will answer in Korean and you can translate and make subtitles.

We will subtitle this.

My poor English. Sorry about that. [speaking in Korean ]The round of eight just ended and next week we will have the semi finals. The schedule might change due to WCS. WCS Asian finals will be held around the same time. Then on October 20th we will have GSL Season 4 Finals at COEX, I hope many people will show up.

And this after this season 4 ends we have season 5 and that is going to be a little unique with the finals being in Las Vegas at IPL5. Can you talk a little bit about what we can expect with that?

Next season will start right after this season is over. But first I need to clarify some things. Some foreign fans are confused. At first we announced that we will have five GSL seasons. Then a lot of tournaments were scheduled in the middle of GSL that we have not planned for. So we had to change around our schedule. Mainly WCS took three weeks for us to cast. Little things like that might make GSL Season 5 really tightly packed and we will work together with IPL because of the tight schedule.

Let's talk a little bit about IPL 5. We will have GSL semi finals, WCS finals and IPL 5 tournament. There will be three tournaments happening at the same time. I believe everyone will be able to enjoy all three events. For GSL World Championship will be Korea vs World, a fun event. Please come to Las Vegas and enjoy the matches live. Because of this the players might have a very tight schedule preparing for all the matches. I apologize for this and will work hard to have a better experience for the players and the viewers next time around. [speaking in English] My Korean is too fast.

People will have to read quickly. And that would leave December for the rest of this year. Is there anything planned for that?

[speaking in Korean] Yes, everything GSL related will be over on Dec 2nd this year. There will be a month or so of free time for us. Last year we had Blizzard Cup and along with that we had 2011 Grand Finals. Just like last year we will have 2012 Grand Finals. We have not yet decided upon a name for it but we plan on doing a Grand Finals. We will release all the appropriate information in the upcoming days so please keep your eyes on Also we might have to switch around our December schedule because we don't know when HotS will be released. We will continue to talk with Blizzard and let you know as soon as possible what our plan will be.

Tonight at Code S we saw a lot of foreign fans come and a very good turnout. Can you talk about GOM’s commitment to the foreign audience with the English stream that is produced so well. How important is that? It seems like the English stream is not just a side thing to GOM. But it’s important to what you do. Can you talk about that?

Truthfully when we first started, Korean broadcast was our main focus. And English Global Broadcasting was using the Korean broadcast to follow the games. As time passed we found out that a lot of foreign fans love StarCraft 2 and GSL. Many of the foreign fans even visited our GSL studios in Mokdong (an area of Seoul). We were very impressed by this so we decided to do things in a new way. We made a Global Broadcasting Team. Now we have two teams. The Korean Broadcasting team and the Global Broadcasting team. The Global team takes care of all the casters and the streams that go out internationally. They are working really hard to keep up the same level and higher quality production as the Korean Stream and even now they are having a meeting in the next room about GNN. Because of this there are a few more contents that foreign fans get to see than the Korean stream. We are working hard to entertain all the foreign fans. We are very aware of all the complaints. We are planning to have a better stream quality and better content. We are all working together to improve GSL. Please look forward to the new changes coming soon.

Last month we saw eSF President Mr. Won of StarTale talk about his desire for GOMTV to sort of be a President or head of all the eSF team. Is that something GOM is interested in or thinking about?

[Speaking in English] So this part makes some drama, so I should speak in Korean. [Speaking in Korean] During GSL Season 4 qualifiers there were a lot of news regarding eSF, KeSPA, GOMTV, OGN, and Blizzard and a lot of people were talking about the five groups. The final results about eSF and KeSPA are all very good. Now we can have leagues where players from both groups can join. Same for OGN and GOMTV.

During an interview eSF president Won Jong Wook asked GOMTV for support with his move. We heard about this and had put much thoughts on this matter. KeSPA have their own system and so do eSF, which need to be continued in my opinion. We have seen eSF made a brave decision for us GOMTV before, so we don’t want ESF to receive unilateral damages nor do we want Korean Starcraft 2 scene to have any drawbacks. That’s why we are actively examining a way to help ESF either by financial means or administrative means, and meetings responding to Mr. Won’s request is currently on the way. You will be notified once detailed plan has been revealed, but nothing has been finalized yet. What we can say right now however, is that we have fully heard of their thoughts, messages, and determination.

On a little bit of a lighter note, one of the things that GOM has done is brought in other Korean cultural elements whether that T-Ara or Girl’s Day or A Pink or whatever. Do you think that connect StarCraft with other Korean cultural elements is important for making StarCraft popular within Korea? Because at least on the competitive level StarCraft 2 is much more popular internationally than StarCraft 1 but it is the reverse in Korea. What in your view needs to be done in your view to increase attention for StarCraft 2 within Korea.

In Korea?

In Korea specifically. Is it connecting it with other cultural elements or is it better marketing, is it now having OGN and GSL all doing StarCraft 2 and that makes more momentum for it. What do you think it will be?

In Korea when we started broadcasting Starcraft 2, the rest of Korea was still busy with Starcraft 1. Starcraft 1 has been broadcasted for ten years now and the Starcraft 1 fans were pretty immovable. Our Starcraft 2 league was still very new to them. So after working hard for close to two years now I think we have made it a close level as them. And with the rights for Starcraft 2 is usable with OGN and GOMTV we are able to broadcast good contents to the fans.

Because of that I think the fans will starting moving towards Starcraft 2. I think of OGN as a close rival and because of this we can continue to produce good contents to improve ourselves. Just like MLG and IPL in NA and ESL and DreamHack for Europe. Because we started Starcraft 2 first we have some advantages but they also have a few advantages in Korea. And using that point we can both deliver great Starcraft 2 contents.

Now people may not know this but many years ago you were a pro gamer.


Can you talk a little bit about that? What was that like? And does that influence you at all today?

Yes, actually 10 years ago the pro gamer was not revered. I was pro gamer. At that time we just played the game bang tournament. The PC room tournament. The prize money just $100 award, $200. But we played a lot. And many other legend gamers participated that just $200 tournament.

That’s how they started?

Yes, like Boxer, do you know Gogibong(sp?) or some other, JulyZerg, so we played – and NesTea too.

Really, NesTea?

We played a lot and at the time I was pro-gamer and other guys were pro gamers too and then the broadcast StarCraft 1 to cable TV broadcasts began. That makes huge popular in Korea. So that’s why the OGN came up. I was pro-gamer at the time but I transitioned to commentator because my race was Zerg but I’ve very poor Z v Z. But at the time Zerg was too strong so every pro-gamer, like 60% players, play Zerg. But I’m poor Z v Z so I’m strong Z v T or Z v P but I’m very poor at Z v Z so I can’t make qualify to round of 16 StarLeague or something, major tournament. So that’s why I transitioned to commentator. That’s the first step into commentator. And next 2010 the GOM offered to me about directing GSL. I go into GSL and making GSL and some structure to broadcasting global. Anyways so that’s me.

Is there thing you want to add in closing? Anyone you want to thank? I know the foreign community is very thankful for what GOM does and being very interactive with the website and the forum and things like that?

Yes actually I watched whole community, foreign community, some big community Team Liquid or Reddit, and ESFI too. Some other community too. I always monitor that. So I know what you are complaining about GOMTV and I know what you are thanks to GOMTV.

So we always have some improvement to give you more experience about StarCraft 2 or other eSports too. So yes I really thanking all GOM staff are really thanked *inaudible* foreign fans. That’s why we make some foreign stream, we make some foreign audio stream to hear the foreign casters…

If people come here to the studio they can listen in English.

Yeah. Commentated by Nick and Dan. They why we make some experience and that’s why we go Las Vegas or some other Blizzcon, Anaheim too. We always want to go outside of Korea twice a year I guess. We will try to best excellent to keep excellent experience to you foreign community.

Very good. Thank you for your time. We appreciate it.

Yeah, thank you.

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