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작성자 아이콘 하스스톤러
작성일 2013-03-28 15:36:30 KST 조회 1,148
하스스톤 정보..
마땅한 커뮤니티도 없고.. 올릴데도 없는데 혹시 관심있는분있을까봐.
해석은 능력자 분이 알아서..
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Compiled Ruleset
Note: My main language is Spanish, so be free to correct me.
Some speculation here, I'll try to clarify any rules where wishful thinking was involved. Blizzard also will have other names for much of the stuff I talk about here, I used Magic: The Gathering vocabulary if possible.
If you know something extra post it and I’ll add it. Especially if you could play it at PAX ;)
Deck Building:
A valid deck has to contain exactly 30 cards. You can only have 2 copies of each card, and 1 copy of each legendary card. Seems to be no restriction on types of cards in the deck (an all minion deck is possible).
Win/Lose Conditions:
The Hero that gets to 0 Health first will lose the game. Probably a draw is possible if both heroes die in the same attack (attacking each other).
We don't know if running out of deck cards if a lose condition or not. Is frequent in some TCG.
The Interface:
The brownish area in the center of the screen where all the Minions go when summoned. The Hero is part of the battlefield too.
The only resource used is Mana Crystal, indicated by the blue gems in the bottom right side of the screen. You can also see the MC of your opponent in the top right side, but just as a number.
Each player starts with 1, and gains 1 extra per turn until a maximum of 10. You can gain extra Mana Crystal with some cards, but you can not exceed 10 that we know.
You must use Mana Crystal to summon Minions, cast spells or use Hero Powers. All empty Mana Crystal will be recharged each turn.
Mana Crystal will be called MC in the text below.
The cards in your hand that are not played yet. You can see your cards in the bottom center and your opponent cards flipped down in the top center of the screens.
Cards in the hand of each player can't be affected for any effect unless specifically talks about the hand. For example minions in your hand can be damaged.
You can see both decks on the left side of the screen. We don't know if you can run out of cards (and you probably lose the game) or when you run out of cards your discarded cards are shuffled again as a new deck and you keep playing.
Combat Log:
You can see the combat log in the left side of the screen as small images. Each image consists in an action from a player of a happening in the battlefield. If you mouse over them you probably see detailed info about it.
Discarded Cards:
As we can't see a pile of discarded card, I suposse we can't interact in any means with a discarded/destroyed card.
Card Types:
Not a card per se, but as the main focus on the battlefield is important to talk about it.
The hero is one of the 9 possible classes to choose from. All heroes seems to have the same starting Health and no base attack or armor. The main difference is each Hero has a different Hero Power. All Hero Powers seems to cost 2 MC.
Hero Powers:
Thanks Thunderclaww and JCizle on reddit for the info.
Druid - Shapeshift - Gain 1 armor and 1 attack
Warlock - Life Tap - Lose 2 life and draw a card
Warrior - Armor Up! - Gain 2 armor
Rogue - Equip a dagger with 1 attack and 2 durability, or increase dagger's attack by 1
Priest - Heal a minion or hero for 2
Hunter - 2 damage to enemy hero
Shaman - Summons one of the following randomly:
-Healing Stream Totem (0/2): at end of turn heal 1 for all friendly characters
-Stoneclaw Totem (0/2): Taunt
-Searing Totem (1/1): Battlecry - 1 damage?
Mage - Fireball - 1 damage to minion or hero
Paladin - Summons a 1/1 Silver Hand Recruit
You can use Hero Power once each turn clicking on the shield right to the Hero avatar.
Minion are permanent creatures that will stay on the battlefield and fight for you. You can know that a card is a Minion because it has an Attack (yellow sword on the bottom left side) and Health (red blood drop on the bottom right side) values.
Each Minion has a MC value, as show in the top left corner of the card. You must pay that many MC to summon a Minion. Once summoned the Minion will stay on the battlefield until it is destroyed or returned to the hand of his owner.
In the battlefield minions are represented with a portrait, but this portrait can be different based on some ability or properties of the minion (for example legendary minions show a dragon border on the top right).
If minions have an ability that can trigger on a happening they'll have a small lightning icon on the bottom side of the portrait as a reminder. Frequent abilities have an special icon: Deathrattle with an skull or Taunt as a shield-like portrait.
Minions can have a subtype that defines them (can be affected by other cards based on the subtype) or have no subtype at all. Know subtypes are: Beast, Demon, Dragon, Murloc, and Pirate.
Minions enter the battlefield in a state of exhaustion (indicated by an ZZZZ over them), and they can't attack the while they are exhausted. It will dissapear the next turn. Minions with Charge doesn't enter the battlefield exhausted.
If a minion gets to 0 Health they are destroyed and leave the battlefield.
Minion's Abilities:
There are two main types of abilities, frequent or bolded abilites (they are written in bold text), and infrequent abilites.
Frequent abilites are not described on the card, you must learn them (but you can see a tooltip on mouse over), as they are requent they'll appear in multiple cards.
Infrequent abilites are totally described on the card, and probably only a couple (or just one) card has a similar ability.
Frequent abilities (list incomplete):
Taunt-> no character can attack a Hero if there is a minion on his side of the battlefield with Taunt. Minions with Taunt must be attacked first.
Charge-> this minion doesn't have summoning-sickness and can attack the same turn it is summoned.
Battlecry: X -> When the minion enters the battlefield, X happens.
Deathrattle: X -> When the minion is destroyed, X happens.
Silence -> The character probably cannot use abilities and/or attack. Unknow at the moment.
Enrage: X -> When the minion attacks X happens. Effect seems to last only until end of turn.
Divine Shield -> Unknow. Probably makes the minion inmune to damage, permanently or just one source of damage.
Combo: X -> If you played a card this turn before the one with Combo, X happens.
Windfury -> Unknow. Probably a chance to have an extra attack.
Overload (x) -> Unknow, but related with the Shaman Hero.
Freeze -> Unknow, probably last 1 turn and the character is unable to attack or use abilities while frozen.
Choose One - X; Y -> You can choose to do X or Y.
Spell Power +X -> Unknow. Probably does each damaging spell to do X extra damage.
Stealth-> The minion can't be attacked or targeted by spells until he attacks.
An spell card doesn't have an Attack or Health value. They are used once and are discarded. Can only be used during your turn.
Seems that all spells are specific to each class, and there are no neutral spells.
One bolded ability (that we know off) can only appear on Spells:
Secret: X -> Seems to be a Hunter exclusive spell, traps mostly. Seems that when you cast this spell, instead of being discarded, is keep in the battlefield flipped down (the opponent can't know what it is), until the condition X happens. Then the spell does it effect and is discarded.
We have seen only Weapons, but maybe there is other kind of equip. Weapon card have an Attack value, and a Durability value.
When you pay the MC of the Weapon, your Hero equips it (a Hero can only equip one weapon at a time) and gains the Attack value of the Weapon. Each time the Hero attacks with the weapon, the weapon loses 1 Durability point. If Durability reachs 0, the weapon is discarded.
Extra Nomenclature:
Character: a Hero or Minion.
Enemy Minion: a Minion controlled by the opponent.
Friendly Minion: a Minion controlled by you.
Restore X Health: heals a character X points of Health. A character can't go over his initial Health value unless its Health has been increased by other effect.
ALL: all means all, don't think that doesn't affects your characters because is a bad effect, or doesn't affect the opponent's characters because is a good effect.
Any effect is permanent unless otherwise written in the card.
Game Phases:
At the start of the game, each player draws 3 cards. One player wil be choosed randomly to play first. The player that goes second seems to get an extra card. Then each player can keep their hand or choose a single card, discard it and draw another one. You can only do this once.
After that the game alternates between Player A and Player B turns until the game is over. I'll explain a single turn.
1.a) Mana Crystal Replenishment: The player gain an extra Mana Crystal (if below 10) and all the empty Mana Crystal are filled again and ready to use.
1.b) Draw Phase: The player draws a card.
1.c) Start of the Turn effects: each card in the battlefield that has an "at the start of the turn" ability will trigger and produce an effect here.
Note: the order can be slightly different for 1.c, can happen before 1.a or 1.b too.
2) Main Phase & Attack Phase:
In this phase the player is free to summon as many minions or cast as many spells as he want while has MC filled. He can also attack with each of his minions (if not exhausted) or the Hero. We'll discuss attack later.
He do any of that in the order he prefer. For example the player can summon a creature, attack with another creature, then cast a spell, attack with the hero and later summon another creature. He can choose the order that gives him the best benefit possible.
This phase ends when the active player uses the End Turn yellow button. Probably also has a time limit, as there is a card that affects the turn time limit.
3) End of Turn Phase
Cards in the battlefield with an "at the end of the turn" ability will trigger now and produce the appropiate effect.
After that the turn for the other players start with the phase 1.a.
Each minion or hero can attack freely any of the oponent characters (hero or minion) with the only exception of a Taunt minion in the battlefield. Until all the minions with the ability Taunt are destroyed, he cannot attack other targets.
Once he has selected a valid target, the attack will occur, and both the atacking and defending character will lose Health equal to the other character's Attack reduced by his own Armor. Neither the attacker nor the defender has any kind of advantage in the fight, except that the attacked can choose a target.
If a minion reaches 0 Health it's destroyed and discarded from the battlefield. If a hero reaches 0 Health the game is finished.

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