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작성자 아이콘 중복된아이디
작성일 2015-06-24 08:39:22 KST 조회 1,235
2.3 ptr소식

Table of Contents

  • New Zone: Ruins of Sescheron - 새 구역 : Sescheron의 폐허
  • New Artifact: Kanai’s Cube - 새로운 아티펙트: 카나이의 큐브
  • Crafting System Updates - 제작 시스템 업데이트
  • Adventure Mode Updates - 모험모드 업데이트
  • New Feature: Season Journey - 새로운 시즌 여행
  • New Difficulty Levels - 새로운 난이도 
  • New Legendary and Set Items - 새로운 전설 & 세트템들
  • Combat Changes - 전투의 변화
  • New Zone: Ruins of Sescheron

    In Patch 2.3.0, the frozen wasteland that is the Ruins of Sescheron will open for exploration. Here you’ll face off against strange new enemies and perilous environmental hazards, all while unearthing new mysteries from the lore of the mighty Barbarians. Those brave enough to make it through in one piece will discover curious new points of interest, including the lost Tomb of King Kanai and his ultimate treasure—Kanai’s Cube. (2.3.0 패치에서 Sescheron의 폐허라는 얼어붙은 황무지를 공개합니다. 이곳에서 여러분들은 낯설고 새로운 적들과 아주 위험한 환경적 요소를 마주치게 될것이며, 또한 강력한 바바찡들의 이야기를 발굴할것입니다.  용감하게 이곳을 탐험한다면 신비롭고 흥미로운점들을 볼수있으며 아울러 카나이와읭 무덤과 그의 강력한 보물도 얻게될것입니다.)


  • New Artifact: Kanai’s Cube

    Those who played Diablo II might remember the Horadric Cube, a unique device which allowed you to combine items. Useful as it was, it was easily surpassed in power by the item from which it originated, Kanai’s Cube. In Patch 2.3.0, players will be able to discover this powerful ancient relic and utilize its incredible potential, including the ability to break down Legendary items and equip their special effects as passive skills, convert crafting materials from one type to another, and so much more.

  • 새로운 아티펙트 (걍 유물) : 카나이의 큐브

  • 디2를 즐기셨던 여러분들이라면 여러가지 아이템을 조합할수 있게 해줬던 호라드릭큐브를 기억하실수 있을껍니다. 호라드릭큐브이 유용하게 쓰였던것 처럼, 카나이의 큐브 역시 쉽게 강력한 아이템을 만들수 있습니다. 2.3.0패치에서는 유저분들은 이 강력한 고대의 유물을 발견하실수 있을것이고, 이 큐브의 엄청난 잠재력을 이용할수도 있으며 또한 "전설 아이템을 뽀각하고 전설아이템 고유능력을 패시브 스킬로 장착할수 있게되며, 재료들을 다른 종류의 재료로 변환도 가능하고, 더 나아가 더 많은 기능을 제공합니다" (헐 시바..)

  • Crafting System Updates

    For those who eagerly gather crafting materials on their journey to level 70, we’ve got good news you’ll especially enjoy. Starting in Patch 2.3.0, the same crafting mats you use at max level will be available as you level up! We’ve also crunched down the number of crafting recipes, making the process easier and more fluid than ever as your results now dynamically adjust to your character’s level. Whether you’re bashing skulls on the highest difficulty or have just started your career and killed your first Champion or Elite pack, your crafting mats will never go to waste.


  • 제작 시스템 업데이트

  • 만렙때 뜨는 재료로 재료 통일, 제작 도안 숫자 줄임, 제작과정을 좀더 쉽게 하고 캐릭터 레벨에 맞게 유동적으로 결과가 뜨게 만듬

  • Adventure Mode Updates

    This patch also includes changes designed to improve the pacing of Adventure Mode while encouraging players to explore Bounties across a variety of Acts. In addition to removing the Realm of Trials, we’re improving Bounty rewards by adding new Act-specific crafting mats to Horadric Caches. Completing Bonus Acts in Adventure Mode games will also now grant a bonus Horadric Cache stuffed with crafting materials, gold, and additional Act-specific crafting mats.


  • 모험모드 업데이트

  • 다양한 막에서 현상금 모드를 활용해보자함 (유저들이 1막만 도는거 보니 어지간히 니들도 토나왔나보다) 추가로 "시험균열"을 없애고 현상금모드 보상으로 받는 큐브 내용물을 좀더 향상시킬꺼임, 그리고 보너스 막에서의 모험모드는 보너스 보상으로 해당막 큐브보상 + 재료 + 금화 + 추가 막마다 특화된 재료를 주게함

  •  (각 막에 특화된 추가 재료 보상을 준다는게 뭘준다는건지 모르겠네)

  • New Feature: Season Journey

    Every player’s Seasonal journey is different—and so are their accomplishments. Starting in Season 4, you'll be able to track your individual progress through the Season Journey interface. This helpful feature is divided into Chapters, which include major milestones that are achievable by most players, and Tiers, which are designed for advanced players. Completing Tiers unlocks new portrait frame rewards, and the highest Tier includes challenges which will take effort to achieve for even the most powerful nephalem.


  • 새시즌 끝 + 시즌 여정이라는 인터페이스를 추가하고 거기에서 개인의 성취도를 볼수있음 + 새 초상화 보상추가

  • New Difficulty Levels

    As players continue to discover powerful new gear, the current hardest difficulty level—Torment VI—can begin to feel less challenging. To help keep hardened battle veterans on their toes, we’re adding four new Torment levels with appropriate reward rates, including Torment X. We’ll be iterating on these new difficulties and rewards as the PTR progresses, so we look forward to hearing your feedback!


  • 새로운 난이도 

  • 고행6이 존나 쉬웠지? 좆되봐라 새키들아 + 고행10단까찌 추가한다

  • New Legendary and Set Items

    For all you dedicated loot hunters, we’re also adding lots of shiny new Legendary and Set effects to the game. Aside from doing this through introducing new items, we’re also revamping special effects on some existing items, and granting new effects to some items which don’t currently have one. As in other patches, changes to Legendary items are not retroactive, so you’ll need to find them once more to use their updated form. Overall, this should result in more build options for you to explore. 

  • 새로운 전설 & 세트아이템

  • 새로운 전설 + 세트 추가 + 빤짝이 이텍트도 넣을꺼임 (디2 소서 탈셋 다 입으면 나오는 그건가)

  • 기존템역시 마개조를 해서 새로운 이펙트 추가

  • Combat Changes

    Several changes to monsters are coming to the game as well. Along with reducing the amount of crowd control the game’s tougher monsters will tolerate, we’ve adjusted the experience and Rift progress granted by killing monsters so they better reflect the effort required to kill them. For example, monsters that take more time or effort to kill now provide more experience, and those that are especially easy to kill will provide less. We’ve also made changes that create a better balance between the time you spend exploring and clearing Nephalem or Greater Rifts, and the time you spend facing the Rift Guardian. With these changes, more of the emphasis will be on your journey as you explore and clear the Rift.  

  • 전투의 변화 

  • CC기 (부두 공포라던지 눈뽕이라던지 이런류) 줄일꺼임

  • 몹이 죽이기 힘들수록 경험치 더주고 쉬울수록 적게줌 (고단과 저단)

  • 아직 몹과 유저 사이의 밸런스 조정중


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