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작성자 아이콘 중복된아이디
작성일 2015-05-12 11:11:21 KST 조회 1,046
블리자드 인터뷰

영어는 알아서


Q : Never ending damage scaling. Dumbest concept ever put in a game. The game becomes really no fun at all when no matter what defensive stats you have you get 1 shot. Game gets reduced to rng of rift mobs,affixs and boss. Discuss.

A : Hey guys! Just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to give us your feedback about scaling damage in Greater Rifts. One of the key goals of Greater Rifts is that they serve as a form of measuring stick for a characters power growth, and we feel that scaling damage is a very important element of their ability to function in this way. That said, we’re currently looking at our options for some possible adjustments to how this damage scales in the future.

We’re looking to disable permanent Crowd Control in an upcoming content patch to create more interaction with monsters at higher Greater Rifts levels. To complement that change, we will be also be evaluating how much damage monsters are dealing to players in that environment. One of our goals in the next major patch is to provide a more consistent Greater Rift experience while making sure that defensive Legendary items still matter. 

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아이콘 Rasias (2015-05-12 11:43:00 KST)
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BacardiGold (2015-05-12 11:43:15 KST)
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질문:고단 갈수록 푹찍악 너무 ㅄ같지않냐? 게임이 고단 몹종류,엘리트 스킬종류랑 보스에따라 갈리는 운빨겜이 됌
답:고단 데미지상승에관한 피드백을 줘서 고마워.대균열에 목적중에하나는 캐릭에 전투력측정기고 고단으로갈수록 미친듯이상승하는 데미지는 그역활을하는데 매우 중요해.하지만 데미지상승에관한 변화는 고려해보고있어.

그리고 우린 고단에서 무한스턴쓰는걸 봉인해서 몹이랑 액션이 더 많아졌으면해. 그런환경에서 몹이 플레이어한테주는 데미지를 실험해볼꺼고. 다음패치 최대에목적은 대균에서 들어오는경험치를 더 일정하게하고 방어적성향이큰 전설템들이 안묻히게하는거야
아이콘 NoWHere (2015-05-17 00:04:14 KST)
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