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작성자 아이콘 A-27크롬웰
작성일 2014-10-30 01:09:12 KST 조회 867
가네시 에드민 인용구
The five great Encyclopedists of Earth are: Pliny, Diderot, Brown, Britannica, and Contributor.
Ganesh Edmin, "Lists of Prehistory" (accompanies "Civilopedia Home Page")
The five oceans of Earth are: the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Titanic, the Arctic, and the Indian.
Ganesh Edmin, "Lists of Prehistory" (accompanies "Geoscaping" tech)
The five mystical creatures of Earth are: The dragon, the unicorn, the griffin, the llama, and the chimera.
Ganesh Edmin, "Lists of Prehistory" (accompanies "Gene Vault" wonder)

The first five machines of Earth are: The wheel, the lever, the inclined plane, the dynamo, and the screw.

Ganesh Edmin, "Lists of Prehistory" (accompanies Supremacy level 2)

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